‘Time Travelling With A Hamster’ – Ross Welford

Time Travelling With A Hamster


“My dad died twice. Once when he was thirty nine and again four years later when he was twelve.

The first time had nothing to do with me. The second time definitely did, but I would never even have been there if it hadn’t been for his ‘time machine’…”

When Al Chaudhury discovers his late dad’s time machine, he finds that going back to the 1980s requires daring and imagination. It also requires lies, theft, burglary, and setting his school on fire. All without losing his pet hamster, Alan Shearer…


For a childrens’ book, this packs a real emotional punch.

Here we have the story of twelve year old Al Chaudhury who is coming to terms with his dad’s shock death and moving away from everything he knows to live with his new step-family.

Al is, to put it mildly, something of a eccentric character. His curiosity is limitless, and we get to travel with him on the most amazing journey.

With a gripping opening that immediately arouses our interest, we learn that Al’s dad invented a time machine and is trusting his son to go back in time and save his dad’s life.

For someone who will always have a soft spot for Back to the Future, this novel really is fascinating. The science might be a stretch for younger readers at times, but it is about a lot more than the concept of time travel. Welford, with real humour, explores issues of grief, friendship and identity.

Definitely, a gem.

2 thoughts on “‘Time Travelling With A Hamster’ – Ross Welford”

  1. With an opening like that, I think I’ll have to stick this on my to-read list.

    1. I completely agree. Announcing that the second time your dad dies is your fault immediately hooks you. Let me know what you think of it when you do read it.

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