‘This is Where it Ends’ – Marieke Nijkamp

this is where it ends

This book isn’t due to be published until January 2016, but this is why I signed up to NetGalley – to get the opportunity to get my mitts on wonderful new books before they hit the shelves.

I really hope this book becomes one that people talk about for the right reasons when it is published. I’m giving nothing away when I say that this focuses us on 54 minutes of every parent/teacher/students’ worst nightmare – a high school shooting.

From the off this had me completely gripped. Some early reviews have criticised the Tweets included, saying they are off-putting. I think they place us within a clear social context, but I did not find them overly distracting. The central characters who the story focuses on are all well-written and I felt like I wanted to know more about their backgrounds/what happens to them after the story.

I do not want to give away any spoilers as publication is some way off, but I would earmark this as one to recommend.