‘The Girl’s Guide to Summer’ – Sarah Mlynowski

Sydney Aarons is fed up of dealing with her agoraphobic mother and younger sister. She is putting her life on hold as she looks after those around her. Sounds like the plot of a novel about a much older character than our teenage narrator, but it’s the perfect set-up for doing something drastic.

When she gets the chance to join her best friend, Leela, on a four week backpacking holiday, Sydney takes it. As we follow them on their travels we watch friendships challenged, new friendships forged and some love interest developing.

This was a quick and fairly light-hearted read. I wanted the girls to do more with their experience, and I did find the style overly formulaic by the end. The girls arrive in their new destination, find a room, find food/drink and then find people to talk to/flirt with. There might be the odd reference to a visit to a place of significance. But that is it. Repeated…over and over and over again.

It was entertaining but not particularly memorable. One of those perfect beach reads for teens who may be dreaming of having their own adventure and holiday fling. I guess if you were stuck in a tent in a soggy field with squabbling siblings (as much of my holidays were) then this would sound like the ultimate wish-fulfilment!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for my review.