‘The Blood Traitor’ – Lynette Noni

After the ending of The Gilded Cage I really was torn over whether or not to start this. I was desperate to find out what happened to Kiva, but I worried whether this could possibly live up to my expectations. I’m pleased to report that this really is a phenomenal end to the series, and – yet again – I shall be urging people to read this.

This time round we focus on Kiva and the part she plays in trying to restore the wrongs that have been taking place. Relationships are key to this novel, and while I hoped throughout that everything would resolve in the way I dreamed, it wasn’t clear cut. Nobody is quite as they seem, and there’s some seriously unexpected revelations that make so much sense once they come but which sneak upon us as we’re focusing on other matters.

Integral to the plot is a quest…and it’s a good one. Tension aplenty, risks and adventure but also the opportunity for key threads from the previous books to be addressed.

Once I’d started and got back into the world Kiva inhabits, it was incredibly difficult to put the book down. From start to finish I was desperate to see how certain elements would unfold, and though I knew the ending would be bittersweet it honestly felt as if no stone was left unturned and Evalon/Winderall would be in safe hands.

Huge thanks to NetGalley for giving me the chance to read and review this prior to publication, and now to wait until it’s launched into the world and I can talk to others about it!