‘Sea’ – Sarah Driver

A drama-filled adventure for younger readers.

Mouse and her younger brother, Sparrow, travel the seas with their nan and her crew. We quickly get introduced to the harshness of life on board their ship, The Huntress, and I loved the accounts of the superstitions that rule their daily lives.

Both children have seemingly magical powers of some description, and from the start it is clear that they are going to get caught up in something much bigger than they imagined. After a mysterious message is received from their father, Mouse realises she has to find three missing sea opals. Unfortunately, they are not the only ones looking for the opals.

The story is full of mythical creatures, strange events and some wonderful writing. There’s a complexity to the style that might put off younger readers, but the book explores quite adult themes in an age-appropriate way.

Thanks to NetGalley for the copy in exchange for my review.