One of those books in which you can pretty accurately predict what’s going to happen, but it’s still quite good fun to read.
We first meet Morgan at seventeen, when she is essentially acting as mum to her younger sister, Jenny. She has dreams for the future, but when she learns she’s pregnant things head in a slightly different direction.
Sixteen years later we see Morgan still with her teenage boyfriend, now her husband, and their daughter is almost an adult. Everything seems pretty cosy. Her younger sister is back together with her boyfriend, Jonah, and they have a young son together. All seems great…which is why it’s no surprise to have a tragic accident that uncovers some very dark secrets.
What follows is a bit of a car-crash and all completely avoidable if people had just spoken to each other. There’s a number of episodes that could go into a ‘how not to deal with grief’ book and the rather inevitable issues that arise from Megan trying not to hurt her daughter are uncomfortable.
Naturally, there’s a series of issues but, deep down, it’s obvious that things are going to be resolved. They are, exactly as we expect. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, there was a part of me that was hoping for something less obvious.