‘Quantum Drop’ – Saci Lloyd

Quantum Drop

The front cover for ‘Quantum Drop’ suggests an explosive read, but I have to confess that I didn’t have quite that experience as I was reading.

Anthony Griffin (the name we know our main character by) is determined to find out who was responsible for the murder of his girlfriend, Tais. This prompts him to take his life in his hands and trail the Bettas in an attempt to find out exactly what happened.

Lloyd creates a world that has blended the real and the digital seamlessly – now virtual reality has become commonplace, with people entering the Drop in order to carry out a range of tasks. Corruption is rife, but with gangs controlling who is able to access all manner of resources it is inevitable that some miss out.

Personally, I felt that in this novel we never got enough opportunity to know the characters in the detail needed to get me to care about what was happening to them. There was plenty of action, but I felt it came at the expense of detail that would have made certain events a lot clearer.