Pop Sugar 2025 Reading Challenge



1 A book about a POC experiencing joy and not trauma
2 A book you want to read based on the last sentence
3 A book about space tourism
4 A book with two or more books on the cover or “book” in the title
5 A book with a snake on the cover or in the title
6 A book that fills your favorite prompt from the 2015 PS Reading Challenge
7 A book about a cult
8 A book under 250 pages
9 A book that features a character going through menopause
10 A book you got for free
11 A book mentioned in another book
12 A book about a road trip
13 A book rated less than three stars on Goodreads
14 A book about a nontraditional education
15 A book that an AI chatbot recommends based on your favorite book
16 A book set in or around a body of water
17 A book about a run club
18 A book containing magical creatures that aren’t dragons
19 A highly anticipated read of 2025
20 A book that fills a 2024 prompt you’d like to do over (or try out)
21 A book where the main character is a politician
22 A book about soccer
23 A book that is considered healing fiction
24 A book with a happily single woman protagonist
25 A book where the main character is an immigrant or refugee
26 A book where an adult character changes careers
27 A book set at a luxury resort
28 A book that features an unlikely friendship
29 A book about a food truck
30 A book that reminds you of your childhood
31 A book where music plays an integral part of the storyline
32 A book about an overlooked woman in history
33 A book featuring an activity on your bucket list
34 A book written by an author who is neurodivergent
35 A book centering LGBTQ+ characters that isn’t about coming out
36 A book with silver on the cover or in the title
37 Two books with the same title (1)
38 Two books with the same title (2)
39 A classic you’ve never read
40 A book about chosen family

Advanced Prompts
41 A book by the oldest author in your TBR pile
42 A book with a title that starts with the letter Y
43 A book that includes a nonverbal character
44 A book you have always avoided reading

45 A book with a left-handed character
46 A book where nature is the antagonist
47 A book of interconnected short stories

48 A book that features a married couple who don’t live together
49 A dystopian book with a happy ending
50 A book that features a character with chronic pain