‘Perfect’ – Sara Shepherd


Although I wasn’t expecting some of the events that we’ve seen so far, I have to say that I think this is the best of the first three books in the series.

There was, naturally, a little less linking back to events and I got the impression that certain details are being put in place for us that might only make sense as we progress through the series. There felt to be more interruption from A, and I loved the fact that there was a more menacing tone to the notes/messages.

A lot of the focus in this novel is on Emily and her uncertainty over her sexuality. She has a refreshingly honest relationship with Maya and I felt really angered by the reaction of her parents and some of the other characters to what was revealed. I also found myself wondering how Mona turned so quickly, and Spencer’s behaviour is definitely setting off alarm bells. I can’t be the only one surprised at the apparent ease with which certain characters are getting injured/bumped off, so I’m wondering just who is going to be left soon!