Having changed their ‘happy ever after’ Sophie and Agatha have returned home. They don’t need a prince, but neither of them is happy and we have to wonder what this means.
In book two the girls are returned to this world, but an unspoken wish has changed things. It’s no longer a school of good and evil, but boys and girls are pitted against one another. The only way the girls can return home is if they find the means to end their story.
This book focuses on quite a drawn-out scenario. Both Sophie and Agatha are tested, and their greatest battle comes from within. Someone is trying to prevent them from getting their heart’s desire, but when they don’t really know what they want what chance do they have?
The whole thing felt a bit pointless at times. It got a little more exciting towards the end, but I’m pretty sure a bit of a chat between the characters could have resolved a good number of their issues.