‘A Monster Calls’ – Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls



Patrick Ness takes the final idea of the late, award-winning writer Siobhan Dowd and weaves an extraordinary and heartbreaking tale of mischief, healing and above all, the courage it takes to survive.

This is a book that I feel is a must-read, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the subject matter is one that everyone will have to deal with at some point in time. In this novel, Ness perfectly sums up the confusion and uncertainty that we might experience when someone close to us is seriously ill.

Secondly, it is beautifully descriptive. There are passages that you will want to read and re-read as they simply capture a moment or a feeling, perfectly.

Lastly, the character of Conor. We witness his mother’s treatment through his eyes, and we get to explore how it feels to be living in this situation. He is very realistically portrayed, and Ness doesn’t shy away from the ugliness that Conor deals with. It simply is, and Conor has to come to terms with what he is living through.

Though this is a quick read, it is one that will remain with you long after the book has been put down.