After angering his father, Zeus, Apollo is cast out of Olympus, and banished to live life as a human. This isn’t the first time it’s happened…but it is the first time Apollo hasn’t been left with any of his immortal powers, and been given silly hair/acne/a flabby stomach and a silly name. As you can imagine, this hurts. A lot.
While this is a stand-alone, it will probably mean more if you’re familiar with the characters/stories referenced.
From the opening – where Apollo realises he’s been sent to earth as a spotty 16 year old – I was highly entertained. There’s a fine blend of humour and action, and Riordan gives the Greek/Roman tales a new spin.
Apollo is saved by Meg, a street girl with a rather strange set of skills. Clearly, there’s more to her than meets the eye. His only hope is to make it to Camp Half-Blood and to ask for help from the other demigods.
Watching Apollo try to come to terms with his humanity was painful, but well-handled. Meg was a worthy companion, though I was surprised at the direction of the story. A rather bizarre final battle, but looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Now I just have to wrestle the copy of book two from my son so I can get to read it!